Cotton Tail Quill

Through our narrative, we aim to not only educate but also inspire compassion and empathy for shelter-rescued rabbits. Each rabbit has a unique story, and by helping them adjust to indoor life with patience and understanding, we can make a positive impact on their lives.

We hope to illuminate the path to a brighter future for shelter-rescued rabbits, where they are cherished as beloved pets and their past experiences are honored as part of their journey toward a happier, safer life indoors.

So welcome to the wonderful world of rabbit care, where each day brings new discoveries and heartwarming moments with these gentle creatures. Whether you’re a seasoned rabbit owner or just beginning your journey with a rescued rabbit, understanding their unique needs is key to building a happy and harmonious relationship.

Imagine the joy of watching your rabbit hop and play, their little nose twitching with excitement as they explore their surroundings. Playtime isn’t just fun for rabbits—it’s essential for their physical and mental well-being. For a rescued rabbit, these moments of play offer more than just exercise; they provide comfort and security as they adjust to their new life indoors.

Rabbits are natural chewers, so providing them with the right toys and plenty of hay is crucial. Not only does this keep their teeth healthy, but it also prevents destructive behavior. Choosing the right hay is vital for their diet and digestion, especially for a rescued rabbit that may have had a rough start in life.

Litter box training is possible with rabbits and can make your life much easier while providing a hygienic environment for your furry friend. Understanding their instinct to keep their living and toilet areas separate is key to successful litter training and helps your rabbit feel more at ease in their new home.

Understanding rabbit communication is like learning a new language—one that is expressed through subtle body movements and soft vocalizations. This understanding deepens your bond with your rabbit, allowing you to better meet their needs and understand their emotions.

Rabbits are social animals that crave attention and interaction. Recognizing when your rabbit wants to engage with you is vital for their emotional well-being, especially for a rescued rabbit that may need extra patience and understanding as they learn to trust again.

Finally, traveling with a rabbit requires careful planning and consideration for their comfort and safety. With the right preparation, you can ensure a stress-free experience for both you and your pet, whether you’re going on a short trip or a longer journey.

Join us on this journey of rabbit care, where compassion and understanding are the keys to a happy and fulfilling life with your beloved pet.

By embracing these aspects, new rabbit owners can create a nurturing and enjoyable environment. Rabbits also have a rich presence in folklore, symbolizing various traits such as fertility and cunning, which adds an intriguing cultural dimension to owning these creatures.ment for their furry companions which may be fun for you to explore.



You would be surprised by the fun things you can do with your rabbit to bond during play time! Did you know rabbits enjoy logic?



A rabbit’s teeth never stop growing. In the wild they chew constantly so this is why. Understand it is a compulsion nature has worked into them to survive. Rescued rabbits may need extra dental attention. How do we make sure they have what they can chew to keep them from chewing other things that may not be good for them to chew and possibly ingest?




A rabbit’s teeth never stop growing. In the wild they chew constantly so this is why. Understand it is a compulsion nature has worked into them to survive. Rescued rabbits may need extra dental attention. How do we make sure they have what they can chew to keep them from chewing other things that may not be good for them to chew and possibly ingest?




Why these products rate high in our opinion as staples considering cost and quality for healthy rabbits ages 12m-4yrs as well as suggestions for you and your vet to discuss if your rescued rabbit needs a more specialized combination of basics due to age, nursing, excessive chewing, and more. 



“Nope… we don’t want to talk about this but yes, rabbits poop! ” The good news is that rabbits can be easily potty trained with little effort on your part.  Let us give you a rescued rabbit’s view on making life easy as a house rabbit.




Rabbits will try to claim you as belonging to them. They will rub their chins (where they have scent glands), on you, other rabbits, or even objects that they wish to claim. We want to provide you with some insight into their view of the world so you don’t miss out recognizing what is going on between  you and your rescued friends.



Your rabbit has many fun and frankly adorable behaviors specific to bunnies. “Binkies” and “zoomies” and just popping up onto you as you sit on the couch from out of nowhere are obvious signs your bun wants to play.



“Greetings, dear human sidekicks and fellow floppy-eared enthusiasts! So, you’ve decided to take your favorite furball (that’s me, of course) on a grand escapade? Bravo!”  Your rescued rabbit may fit right into your lifestyle!



Rabbits have been seen cooperatively as representations of new beginnings, ambition, luck and cleverness, while also retaining a spirit that is easy to sympathize with. Part of our endeavor Celebrating Rabbits, we take a quick look at our human views of what rabbits represent.